Better Beans,
Better Coffee.

  Sold Only In Canada
Minimum order is 4 - 1 lb. bags
and includes free shipping
in Ontario
(Allow 2-3 business days in Ontario).
Order 10 bags and receive 11 !
All our coffees bags are 1 lb. (454 grams).


Customer Testimonials

Our satisfied coffee lovers share their thoughts and opinions…

I grind my Hockley Valley Coffee at home and take it to the office in a sealable container – the aroma is pure heaven when I open the lid. I have completely cut out my 6$ a day habit. Thats 30 bucks a week that’s going towards my trip to Florida.”

coffe mug
Larry in Hamilton

“If home brewing great coffee wasn’t so simple, the money I have wasted over the years wouldn’t be so sad. I guess it’s never too late to start paying myself by brewing a better fresher cup at home.”

coffe mug
Bob in Bolton

“Not sure if any of your other customers have been using your roasted beans to make cold coffees? Between my kids and husband we have been saving about $80 a week home brewing. Your Colombian and Brazilian medium roasts are to die for. We’ll take our $4,000 a year savings and do just that save for our retirement.”

coffe mug
Sarah in Barrie

“I encountered this amazing and wonderful coffee while at a car dealership. The coffee smelled so wonderful I just had to have a cup and it blew my mind!! Such wonderful flavour and texture and depth. I immediately went online and ordered 4 different blends and they are all so wonderful!! Thank you Hockley Valley for this truly amazing coffee experience!!”

coffe mug
Sarah in Etobicoke

Just made our first pot of coffee with the Brazil 438 beans. OMG – what delicious coffee!”

coffe mug
Neil in Erin

Brazil 438 – You have me hooked. I smell that amazing chocolate coffee blend and wow !! My day is set.

coffe mug
Val in Grand Valley
Our Coffee Blends

Enjoy the best roasted coffee in a classic style.

What started as a project to roast a more interesting and flavorful coffee bean for our family and friends, has blossomed into one of Canada’s iconic coffee roasting brands. Discover for yourself how our own passion for a more interesting and fresher coffee experience has produced coffees served by some of the best restaurants and cafes throughout Canada.


Ready To Find Your Coffee


What is Bird Friendly and Shade Grown Coffee?

Bird friendly coffee is grown on farms under a shade-tree canopy, forest-like habitat.

Bird friendly coffee mostly benefits neo-tropical migratory songbirds that winter in Central America rainforests. Habitat losses, especially tropical rainforests, have caused a decline in migratory songbird populations. And sun coffee plantations have significantly contributed to this loss.

Brewing Tips

Making Great French Press Coffee and more.


Our Specialities

Guatemala Finca Oriflama

Dark Roast


Buy now!

Brazil 438Top Seller

Single Origin Special Roast


Buy now!

Swiss Water Decaffeinated

Dark Roast


Buy now!

Our Coffee Roaster Location

Retail Locations Near You

Get in touch


PO Box 105, Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z5

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