Although there will no coffee order disruption, there will be no coffee roasting or order deliveries from March 18 to March 26, 2025... Scroll to the bottom of the page for recent price change notification... Brazil 438 continues to be our best seller.

Gift Card

Gift Card


Gift Cards begin at $80.00 to assure that the minimum online order of 4 lbs. (4 X 1 lb. bags) of any one of our coffee selections (prices of our coffees range from 16.99 to 19.99 per bag).

Scroll to description below for more information.

SKU: N/A Category:


Customers receiving a gift card will be able to purchase any combination of 4 coffee bags and receive the included free shipping, with the $80.00 gift card and carry any balance that results from that combination. For example, a person receiving an $80.00 gift card will carry a balance of $12.04 towards their next order, should they decide to buy the minimum 67.96 order (4 X 16.99).


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