Although there will no coffee order disruption, there will be no coffee roasting or order deliveries from March 18 to March 26, 2025... Scroll to the bottom of the page for recent price change notification... Brazil 438 continues to be our best seller.

Commercial Market

Special “Select Market” Commercial Customers

Restauranteurs and Caterers offering gourmet dining experiences know the value of a great cup of coffee to complete a meal. We’ve created an opportunity to offer your customers something completely different. Hockley Valley Coffee can be custom roasted to order, in small batches but in a size that’s suitable to the commercial coffee consumer.

You already offer a stylized menu for discerning diners, why not complement their dessert order with a superb coffee that evokes memories of a café au lait, or an espresso enjoyed along the Champs Elysees in France or on the rooftop patio of a hotel in Florence, Italy

Ask for a consultation with our Roast Master Wallace (Wally) Mark to learn how we can help commercial establishments obtain personalized premium coffee service at a favourable price point for your business.